
No matter what industry or profession, in today’s digital age, many spend the majority of their waking workday hours at work. To get the most productivity and creativity during those hours, you have to create a positive work environment for the entire team. You might believe trying to cultivate this workplace is elusive, time-consuming, and a waste of important resources, but studies have shown the opposite is true.  

When you create a positive culture in your workplace, many experience a significant drop in absenteeism. Also, employees who stay twice as long in their jobs as those who are less happy; in other words, developing a positive work environment, creates a measurable impact on your return on investment. 

Positivity Is Based on Gratitude 

Some call it happiness, and others call it positivity, but either is a habit that is modeled from the top down. When you demonstrate gratitude and gratefulness for your employees and even your own life, you are modeling behavior others can follow. It can be a small thing, such as being thankful for a cup of coffee or the sun coming out. It may be expressing gratitude to your employees for the work that they’ve done or their abilities that do not impact the company. In other words, commenting on their can-do attitude or smile, they bring to the office every day. Expressing this gratitude is a way of praising employees and giving them the recognition that has a significant impact on their motivation and desire to be productive. 

Create a Sense of Purpose and Perspective 

Employees who have a sense of purpose understand they’re making a direct difference in the company. It’s not enough to assign tasks but take the time to explain why these tasks are essential as a whole. This develops engaged individuals who are more efficient and enthusiastic when they understand they’re helping the entire organization to succeed by the things they are doing.  

Encourage those around you to look at the big picture. In other words, the small tasks may feel menial but contribute in a significant way to the success of an overall project. Developing purpose and perspective requires good communication between management and employees. Ultimately, this is essential for a positive working relationship that builds greater productivity. If there are issues, do not pretend they don’t exist. Instead, address them and be direct. 

Create a Consistent Environment 

There are so many things that can change each day within the workplace and new trends you might consider bringing into the company culture. For instance, flexible hours, bringing pets to work, and open building workspaces are just a few things companies are considering. However, while these strategies may work in some places, they don’t work in every situation. Rather than being distracted by some of the latest company culture changes, consider the importance of consistency over disruption and how that might affect the cultural balance of your organization. This means listening to everyone’s ideas. Your employees are a great way to take the temperature of your organization and recognize whether the change may bring a positive experience to employees and the company culture. 

Encourage Self-care and a Healthy Company Environment 

It is easier for a healthy employee to be a happy employee. Cultivating a healthy environment helps to lower stress at work and a great way to keep up morale. Encourage your employees to go for walks outside during the day, get exercise, and eat a well-balanced diet. Stress the importance of getting enough sleep and staying healthy. This starts at the top. In other words, being proactive in your health and wellness, as well as offering opportunities at work, show you care about your employees and helps you to connect with them. 

Stellar Can Help!  

Whether you’re seeking ways of hiring positive employees or new ideas to build your company culture, we can help. It’s your mission to build a successful business, and it’s our business to support your goals. Contact our professional recruiters today, and let’s get started making positive changes! 

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