
This year, perhaps more than any other in recent memory, needs a boost. One way to set expectations for a better 2021 is to set New Year’s resolutions to help your career. Even small tweaks to your tasks and goals could make you feel more excited about 2021. Here are some tips to improve your career next year with better resolutions. 

10 Ways to Help Your Career in 2021 

Get healthy

Losing weight is a common goal for the New Year, but how does that affect your career? Losing weight and exercising gives you more energy to tackle your goals. If you set this goal, make sure you make exercise and diet something that carries into work every day. Set a goal to stand up more and stretch or take a walk at lunch. Maybe switch your chair for an exercise bass.  

Learn new skills

If you’re suffering from the doldrums, it might be time to take a class or learn a new skill. There are all kinds of free classes and skills you could take on. Whether it’s mastering Scrum or improving your writing skills, becoming an Excel master, or learning a new technology, look for activities to enhance your current skills. 

Read a career-related book

Reading is a great way to expand your mind. These days there are podcasts, e-books, and all kinds of free tools on the Internet to help you expand your skills. Make it your 2021 goal to work on yourself and see how that benefits your career. 

Update your resume

When was the last time you buffed up your resume? Do you know if the style is current and efficient for today’s applicant tracking systems? Set a goal to keep your resume up-to-date next year because you never know what could happen in the job market. 

Create or review your LinkedIn profile

f you haven’t established a LinkedIn profile, now is a good time. LinkedIn is a professional social networking site that could be critical to your career. Keep your profile sharp with a good headshot and a snappy bio and you never know where it might lead. 

Create one professional networking connection a month

Next year, make it a goal to build your networking connections by adding one new connection each month (at minimum). This will slowly, over time build up your connections and strengthen your network. 

Clean out your business filing system

Sometimes the cleaning out the clutter can also clear out your mind. If you have home filing cabinets filled with papers you haven’t touched in years or digital files that are cluttering up your computer, why not take time to dump what you don’t need anymore?  

Sign up for a podcast or a blog

The Internet is full of career advice, so signing up for a podcast or blog to help you improve your career is a great way to keep things moving forward. Try asking your coworkers what motivates them each day or if they know of an industry-specific blog that might be useful and interesting to follow. 

Find a career mentor  

If you have a mentor in your corner, you have a ready-made source for advice and support. Is there someone that you respect that you believe would provide helpful career advice? Ask if she or he would be willing to mentor your career. 

Get a new headshot

Don’t discount the power of a professional headshot on LinkedIn. Depending on your career path, the photo could be casual or professional. Make sure the shot is high quality with, at minimum, 400 X 400 pixels with a file size around 8MB.  

Contact Stellar Staffing Today!

One of the best ways to improve your career next year is to call on Stellar to help you find new, more meaningful work. We have jobs available in a variety of categories and help hundreds of job seekers meet their goals each year. Contact us today to find out more. 


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