How many articles are written each year on employee goal setting? Dozens? Hundreds? We know that goal setting is an important way to motivate employees. We know that goals trigger behaviors and that often goals end in rewards. That’s why companies use employee goal setting—it is a productivity aid. Goals also provide a measurement of Read more »
Posts By: Robin Walters
The Best Way to Answer “Why Should We Hire You?”
How many times have you heard this question in an interview, “So, tell me why we should pick you for the job?” This is a go-to question for many employers because it’s an excellent way to see if you’ve done your research on the company and the job itself. It’s a trick question that forces Read more »
How The ‘Great Resignation’ Will Impact Business
The Big Quit. The Great Reshuffle. No matter what you call it, the Great Resignation isn’t great for employers. Since 2021, record numbers of employees have quit their jobs—about 48 million to be exact. By March of 2022, it was common for about four million people a month to leave their jobs. During this same Read more »
5 Signs Your Employees Are Overworked and What to Do About It
You have a retention problem. That may be the first sign that your employees are overworked. Overworking is a common complaint and it leads to burnout in workers—and since COVID, we’ve seen a lot of this. If you are an employer worried that you’re working your employees too are, you might be. But here are Read more »
What To Do When You Make a Mistake on the Job
A famous historical quote begins, “To err is human.” That’s so true. Human beings make mistakes at home, in their lives, and in their jobs. So, when you make the inevitable mistake at work, how should you handle it? There are appropriate and inappropriate ways to handle workplace mistakes. Here’s what you need to know Read more »
Refresh and Recharge Your Way to a Productive Second Half of 2022
Burnout is a real issue in many jobs these days. The American Psychological Association (APA) says it’s everywhere in 2022. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that burnout is an occupational phenomenon caused by workplace stress. Surveys show 79% of the workforce say they’re experiencing the negative consequences of workplace stress, including emotional exhaustion and Read more »
It’s Never Too Early to Plan for Seasonal Hiring Spikes
In this job market, it’s important to plan ahead. There are shortages of workers in almost every category. However, you still may decide to take a “wait and see” approach. Maybe your busy season won’t be as frantic as last year. Maye your current staff could handle a little extra workload. Plus, you can always Read more »
Why Every Professional Should Consider a Career Coach and/or a Mentor
Work can feel like a dead end. Maybe you’ve been longing for a new challenge but feel trapped in your current job. Maybe you’d like to break into a new field but don’t know-how. Perhaps you’ve been job searching but can’t find anything that seems to fit. In all of these situations, a career coach Read more »
Understanding Coachable Moments: How to Correct and Coach In a Professional Way
All of these old sayings can apply to how you should handle your workforce: You can catch more flies with sugar than with vinegar. Lead with the carrot and not the stick. You can lead a horse to water but can’t make them drink. These cliches are behind the idea that coaching an employee is Read more »
The Key to Properly Identifying and Selecting References as You Apply for Your Next Job
In the rush to prepare your resume for the job search you may forget about an important step: Finding references. Most employers ask for references these days, so you don’t want to make this an afterthought. When combined with your resume and the interview process, the references you choose will have a direct impact on Read more »