You need help. Finding candidates in this market is challenging. You’re looking for talent, but the days of posting an advertisement and being bombarded with resumes are pretty much over. What should you do? We have three reasons why a staffing partner could be the best move you’ll make for the New Year.
Reason #1: A Staffing Firm Can Free Up Your Time
What happens to your recruiting effort when the labor pool dries up? If you can’t find candidates through the traditional resume submission process, you need an alternative. Did you know professional recruiters spend their days networking with passive job candidates? A passive job candidate is those that aren’t actively looking but would have a conversation if the right opportunity presented itself. In a tight labor market, it’s the passive candidate that you’ll need to target to meet your hiring goals. But do you have the time and the technology tools to even find this type of talent? If you don’t, it’s time to call a staffing agency.
Reason #2: A Staffing Firm Can Decrease Your Time to Hire
Although it varies widely by industry and job type, the average time to hire is around 42 days. There are 10 million unfilled jobs right now. You need an extra set of hands to increase your candidate search process which is dragging on too long. When you can’t find the right candidate quickly, it makes it very hard for your existing staff to pick up the pace and cover for the missing people on the team. To top it off, 2021 yielded the Great Resignation, where millions of people quit their jobs. For employers seeking to hire, it’s a real mess out there. If you could find a staffing agency that could cut the time it takes between opening a job and closing a candidate, wouldn’t that help ease some o the pressure you’re feeling?
Reason #3: Staffing Firms Keep You Legal
HR-related functions are some of the most heavily regulated areas in industry today. Regulatory compliance around labor laws affect everything from how you document candidate interactions to the offer letters you send to candidates. One misstep and you’re in regulatory hot water not to mention facing a potential lawsuit from a candidate. Here’s one example: Did you know 29 states have salary history bans? This means your HR and recruiting teams along with anyone on the team interviewing a candidate cannot ask about their salary history while on the job. These rules are constantly changing. It’s the business of a staffing firm to keep on top of these rules and to act accordingly. This keeps the employer, who is their client, a little safer.
Stellar Staffing offers these benefits to our clients—and more. We are living in challenging times. This requires businesses to consider new partnerships. We hope, in 2022, you’ll start the conversation with Stellar Staffing to find out how we can help your business.
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