
There are thousands of business books out there. There are books for entrepreneurs in startup businesses, books about industry disruption, leadership books, books to teach you to develop your productivity—and everything else you can think of (plus a few we bet you can’t). 2022 is going to bring some big challenges. Are there any good books that you can read to help you improve your professional career next year? You bet there are.

#1 Smarter Faster Better: The Transformative Power of Real Productivity

Productivity remains a cornerstone of a successful career, and we think Charles Duhigg broke the mold on this. His book not only defines productivity at a new level, but he also shows you have to achieve it. You’ll learn to shift from managing what you think to focusing on how you put things together in your mind. It blows traditional goal-setting out of the water, instead suggesting that the most productive people focus on small goals and incremental daily steps.

#2 Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action

A few years ago Simon Sinek came up with what became a top five most popular TED talk and he turned it into a book. His basic premise was wondering why it is that some organizations and people are more influential, innovative, and profitable than others. His goal was to get to the “why”—which, frankly, is probably the most powerful three letter word in the English language. We think you’ll find this book motivational as well as interesting.

#3 Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead

As companies work on their diversity and inclusion initiatives next year, we recommend reading Sheryl Sandburg’s book to figure out what it’s like for women to navigate the traditionally male dominated rungs of most corporate ladders. Sandburg was able to climb and bust her way through the glass ceiling, all while balancing a family. Good tips in here for finding a mentor and getting what you want.

#4 Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers

Tim Ferriss’ book isn’t all that big (about 650 pages), but it’s big on ideas. Ferriss is the author of another bestseller called The Four-Hour Workweek. In Titans, Ferriss expands on some of the routines and habits culled from 200 powerhouse leaders in academics, business, the military, sports, and more. It’s a great book that now only should fuel your productivity in 2022, but should give you some actionable life lessons to help you launch a great New Year.

#5 Impact Players

Forbes selected Liz Wiseman’s Impact Players as a top business book in 2021. It’s not Wiseman’s first trip around the NYTimes bestseller list, either. In Impact Players, she discusses the true leaders who make a difference when the stakes are really high—like during a global pandemic. She identifies five key ways impact players distinguish themselves from everyone else by figuring out what needs to be done and making it happen.


If you’re looking for more great reading, check out the Stellar Staffing job board this year for opportunities to make an impact in a new career.

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